Friday, December 27, 2019

Special Education Reflection - 1329 Words

Running Head: REFLECTION PAPER Reflection Paper En Tseh Wang Lehigh University Special Education 332 (Education and Inclusion of Individuals with Special Needs) has been enlightening for me as a secondary mathematics educator. In the beginning of the semester, my feelings towards special education were those of apathy and insensitivity. I now understand that my feelings were due to my lack of knowledge and my judgment based on stereotypes. I always knew that making fun of students with learning disabilities was wrong. However, I never felt that inclusion of special education students in general education classes was plausible or made sense. I felt that special education students belonged in their own classrooms; and that†¦show more content†¦One of the greatest tools that this class has given me is universal design. Universal design for learning is a process for considering the needs of all students in the classroom...and designing curriculum, instruction, and evaluation with sufficient flexibility so that each student benefits (Turnbull, Turnbull, Shank, and Smith, 2004). I will not be able to teach my general education class with special education students in it, by using universal designShow MoreRelatedEssay on Special Education Reflection1336 Words   |  6 Pages Running Head: REFLECTION PAPER Reflection Paper En Tseh Wang Lehigh University nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Special Education 332 (Education and Inclusion of Individuals with Special Needs) has been enlightening for me as a secondary mathematics educator. In the beginning of the semester, my feelings towards special education were those of apathy and insensitivity. I now understand that my feelings were due to my lack of knowledge and my judgment based on stereotypesRead MoreReflection Paper On Special Education Essay1622 Words   |  7 PagesRTI Reflection Paper When you research the word â€Å"exceptional learners† there’s a vast amount of definitions that represent this word. It includes ones traits, characteristics, behavior, abilities and or inabilities they posses. The fact that this definition is so broad educators found it difficult to specifically identify what disability a student had. At the same time variables that lie within ones disability hindered the degree in which traits would be shown. For that reason many students wereRead MoreReflection Of A Special Education Classroom1382 Words   |  6 PagesIn the beginning of June I had to decide on a school to observe. Before I was approved to observe a Special education classroom, I was not sure what kind of teachers or children I would encounter. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Biology Of Memory Disorders - 955 Words

1. The biology of memory is very important and if someone were to have a problem with their memory that could make their daily life difficult. The hippocampus, limbic system, and amygdala are critical to memory and if these were damage they could cause memory disorders. Memory disorders are diseases that impair our ability to recall everyday events. There are numerous memory disorders a person could have. For example, amnesia is a common memory disorder. The most common types of amnesia are retrograde amnesia and anterograde amnesia. Retrograde amnesia is when a person loses some memories of their past, and on the other hand, anterograde amnesia is when a person loses the capacity to form new memories. There has been many case studies about amnesia and by far one of the best-known people with it was a man with the initials H.M. The doctors removed a big chunk of his temporal lobe and after the surgery, he could recall almost no new information. Later, when researchers examined his br ain they realized his hippocampus was damage and this was why he had amnesia. Another well-known memory disorder is Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s disease is becoming a more common memory disorder in elderly people as the years continue. This disease occurs at an alarming rate, in fact, one American develops Alzheimer’s disease every 72 seconds. The losses of Alzheimer’s disease are both language and memory related. First Alzheimer’s patients began to lose their most recent memories and thenShow MoreRelatedThe Importance of Biology in the Study of Psychology Essay991 Words   |  4 PagesImportance of Biology in the Study of Psychology Ashley B. McVey Cecil College Abstract Whether it is the study of biopsychology and other fields of psychology or neuroscience, all psychologists and scientists are trying to understand the functions of the brain. The body and mind connection and how it reacts to certain behaviors or illnesses. Most all psychological functioning can be reduced to underlying brain processes. This should serve as reason alone as to why biology plays an importantRead MoreA Look Inside The Mind Of A Warrior Essay1264 Words   |  6 Pagesextremely intelligent part of the human body. When PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) comes into this system, an entirely devastating hurricane of uncontrollable fear takes over and leaves behind hopeless destruction. Human brains have been equipped with many parts that carry out functions to aid humans in their everyday life. PTSD comes into lives after people have traveled down a road filled with rough edges. This disorder has numerous ways it destructs the process of the brain. PTSD negatively affectsR ead MoreCultural Technology And Its Effects On Society1262 Words   |  6 PagesMore than simply gaining power in the public eye, biology has also begun to displace culture. 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The first cause for schizophrenia, like many other disorders and diseases, is biology. Researchers have found that a large number of different genes result in schizophrenia, rather than a few singleRead More Genetic Disorders Essay1343 Words   |  6 Pagesnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Genetic disorders are a topic in biology that can not be avoided. The fact is that genetic disorders can happen in humans, plants or animal. No one and nothing is safe from a genetic disorder. A genetic disorder can appear in the first years off life, or can appear much later in life when least expected. A basic principal of biology states that the behavior of chromosomes during the meiosis process can account for genetic inheritance patterns. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Communication Protocols Internet Of Things -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Communication Protocols Internet Of Things? Answer: Introducation The Internet of things is the network of physical devices like smartphone, tablets and generally home appliances embedded with sensors, actuators, software and network connectivity which enables them to connect and exchange data. Throughout the years, meaning of IoT has developed, their item capacities are expanded and now items can perform undertakings past their essential capacity. World has seen a progression of imaginative changes from autos to office structures to home appliances. [Frew, 2016]. Smart dwelling devices:- Day by day internet of things is reaching another level of improvement i.e. form simple house dwelling components to complex products that consists of processors, sensors, software and hardware things. Some smart dwelling devices are: Medical alarm watch - deals with the wellbeing following of your poor ones particularly your elderly relatives when it is hard to track it physically. Smart running shoes - tracks every one of your means like running time, remove secured and so forth. It is implanted with sensors that assistance to track the wellbeing condition like heart rate. Smart wellness attire - is a kind of piece of clothing which has worked in sensors to quantify muscle movement by utilizing method of EMG (Electromyography is a procedure in which disturbance of muscle tissue is recorded). Smart carport controller-deals with the opening and shutting of carport door through cell phone application. It has additionally highlight of cautioning you if by botch you have neglected to close it. [Pahwa, 2017]. Shockbox (Helmet concussion sensor) - are the sensors implanted in defensive protective cap of players of any diversion like cricket to gauge the impact of head influence. This data of player is sent to parent or tutor's mobile phone by means of system availability which empowers them to settle on fundamental decisions like whether they should be evacuated off the field. Home observation cameras - are a mind boggling approach to assemble security of your home. There are couple of items that can normally distinguish development and send notice to the proprietor's wireless. They are worked for outside and trade the requirement for current light establishment. Communication Protocols used by Internet of things devices One of the crucial factors of internet of things devices are communication protocols. Protocol makes the link between dwelling devices and enables it to exchange data. Most widely used protocols are:- 6LoWPAN It is acronym for IPV6 over Low Power Wireless Personal Area Network. This IP communication protocol is used in small devices that have limited processing ability to transmit data utilizing internet protocol. It is a type of IPV6 protocol. [Ramaswamy, Madakam Tripathi, 2015]. MQTT It is an acronym for Message Queue Telemetry Transport. MQTT depends on an open based correspondence show. It is valuable in preserving both power and memory with most extreme number of subscribers. CoAP It is called as Constrained Application Protocol. CoAP is an internet application protocol that utilizes wider internet in connection of constrained devices. It is basically client-server protocol that provides one-to-one communication. Bluetooth It is a wireless technology that works over radio frequency. Its working is limited to some specified distance. In this protocol wirelessly audio can be played and data can be exchanged. Cellular network- This is a wireless network that uses 2G/3G/4G protocol to exchange data. WiFi It stands for Wireless Fidelity. It is exceptionally suited for IoT gadgets. It has the limit of high measure of information exchange. WiFi can be used for wider distances using antennas. Z-wave It is type of wireless communication protocol that is particularly utilized for home mechanization and it requires low power utilization. Its range is over 30 meters. It operates on simpler protocol and does not affect by other protocols like Bluetooth, Zigbee etc. Zigbee It is short range communication protocol based on IEEE standards. Zigbee is used in home automation where low energy consumption is required. It is profitable to utilize this convention on account of versatility, solidness and security. RFID It stands for Radio frequency Identification which uses electromagnetic waves to track the objects. This protocol is specially designed for devices (without batteries) embedded with RFID chips to send signals. Sigfox It is a wide range technology and which has an edge between cellular and wifi network. It uses ISM bands to transfer data. Sigfox is mainly used those applications which requires low data transfer and has small batteries. Advantages of IPv6 In coming years internet of things is going to be the next big thing but without Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) is not possible. IPv6 has taken over IPv4 because IPv4 has limited number of addresses. IPv6 has numerous numbers of advantages that can lead IoT to a whole new level. IPv6 provides highly scalable address scheme. With the increasing number of IoT gadgets, IP packet addressing is necessary and Internet protocol version 6 has the capability of holding large number of IP addresses. IPv6 takes care of the issue of NAT hindrance by doling out same IPs to different partners. Partners can send their own applications sharing basic sensors, without affecting specialized operation or administration of the web. Different types of wireless technology that uses IoT devices WiMax It is the acronym for Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave access. It is a remote innovation in which information can be exchanged at the rate of 40-45 megabits for each second. It is based on IEEE 802.16 benchmarks. It can be utilized both in inside and outside however it gives better flag when utilized outside. Bluetooth and BLE This are remote advancements that are utilized as a part of short separation information exchange. The innovation is a great part of the time used as a piece of little considers contraptions that connect with customer's phones and tablets. For instance, the development is used as a piece of various speaker structures. Bluetooth Low Energy utilizes less power than standard Bluetooth and is utilized as a bit of equipment, for instance, health trackers, sharp watches and other related devices remembering the true objective to remotely transmit data without strongly exchanging off the battery control in a customer's phone. It depends on IEEE 802.15.1 measures. [Dutton, 2014]. Zigbee- It is open wireless network used specifically in Machine to machine (M2M) networks. It is the type of affordable and inexpensive technology that uses less power often used in many industrial applications. This technology has low delay times i.e. low latency and low obligations cycle enabling products to amplify battery life. Separate network is needed for IoT As the Sigfox suggests a separate network is needed for IoT, this is so since when more number of gadgets is associated, it will make more activity and this expanded movement will have troublesome impact on systems, server farms and shrewd associated items. Sigfox is a ultra-narrowband innovation that utilizations radio transmission technique to encode the information. Sigfox requires a more advanced base station and reasonable endpoint radio to deal with the system. However, separation of network will stop its growth. It will prevent it from turning into a reality since it would stunt interoperability. Creating separate system will diminish rivalries and attach organizations and buyers to their innovation merchants. [Mclelland, 2017]. Comparison between Sigfox and other technologies Sigfox utilizes Ultra narrowband on the grounds that it has high phantom proficiency and can mitigate the tumult better. Sigfox utilizes DBPSK for uplink and GFSK for downlink. LoRaWAN (Low power wide region arrange) utilizes Chirp spread range (CSS). Sigfox is sharing their reference plot with chip dealers, so everyone with Sigfox affirmation can offer the chips and get offer of LPWAN "agitate". Sigfox and LoRaWAN both have star topology. Sigfox offers longer battery life while LoRaWAN utilizes more data transfer capacity. Sigfox is more secure than LoRaWAN. Conclusion This report concludes various aspects about the internet of things. Internet of things is growing rapidly and is serving more devices reliably. By 2022, the world will have around 30 billion IoT users. Presently, be it a house proprietor or auto proprietor or a building proprietor everything is presently working with splendid things to decrease the power usage and show signs of improvement result out of it. Internet of things is taking over the world with its fascinating devices that provide comforts and conceivably changing the world. References Dutton, G. (2014). Does The Internet Of Things Need Its Own Network? [Online] Retrieved from : [Accessed28 January 2018]. Frew, J. (2016). The Internet of Things: 10 Useful Products You Must Try in 2016. [Online] Retrieved from: [Accessed28 January 2018]. Mclelland, C. (2017). IoT Connectivity - Comparison of LoRa, SigFox, RPMA, and other LPWAN Technologies. [Online] Retrieved from :[Accessed28 January 2018]. Pahwa, A. (2017). Communication Protocols for the Internet of Things: A Few Choices. [Online] Retrieved from: [Accessed28 January 2018]. Ramaswamy, R., Madakam, S., and Tripathi, S., (2015). Internet of Things (IoT): A literature review. Journal of Computer and Communications, 3(05), p.164.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Rolling Stones free essay sample

I knew when I got tickets to see The Rolling Stones that I was in for an experience, but I never dreamed it would be so incredible. Everything about the show was great: the songs, the lighting, and the special effects. The Rolling Stones definitely proved that they can still rock. From the first notes of Not Fade Away to their final encore, the Stones filled the arena with energy and excitement. The performance was full of songs from their old albums but there were also many from their new release, Voodoo Lounge, including the songs, Out of Tears and You Got Me Rocking. Of course, they sang their classics Satisfaction and Start Me Up, which sounded better than ever. I was very impressed by the power and strength of Mick Jaggers voice, considering hes over 50. But I personally felt that one of the best songs was the The Worst, performed as a solo by guitarist Keith Richards. We will write a custom essay sample on The Rolling Stones or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page What really brought the concert to life were the special effects. The stage, including the huge metal snake that rose above it, was constantly exploding with flames and sparks. Also a large screen allowed even those with the worst seats to see the band performing up close. The show, which was over all too quickly, ended with a magnificent encore and explosion of fireworks. As I stood there applauding, I realized that I would never forget this amazing experience. The Rolling Stones showed that they are still one of the best bands around